
This website is entirely static: it works only with HTML and CSS. It’s powered by Jekyll, a powerful static website generator, and then hosted and served thanks to GitHub Pages.

Code base is forked from Jekyll Now, created by Barry Clark. Multilingual feature is based on the idea of Sylvain Durand.


The source code is freely available on Github. Unless stated otherwise, code presented on this website is published under the MIT license, following Jekyll Now. The content of the blog, namely posts, is published under the Creative Commons By.

If you use or refer any of my work, I’ll appreciate you quote me as author.

A word on Flattr

You may have noticed I use Flattr, a microdonation platform. It aims at rewarding publishers of content on the Internet.

I’ll publish content regardless of Flattr donations, because I want to and because I like it. Its presence on my website is more to promote this system rather than getting money. If you like Flattr, say it out loud.

If you’d like me to add another donation system - Tipeee, Patreon, Gratipay, … - please let me know.

Contact me

charles.aracil+blog [at] gmail.com